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Market News / Reports
ATO Hong Kong reports on a range of issues on the food and beverage industries in Hong Kong and Macau. While these reports are available for download at U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Agricultural Service's website, we have included several of these reports here for your reference. You need to have Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view these documents.
ATO Hong Kong Reports
ATO Macau Reports
The Hong Kong Wonton
Bite size local news, Post reports and activity summaries wrapped by ATO Hong Kong.
FAS Reports
In addition to the above documents, FAS also prepares reports on agricultural trade policy, food safety, and other issues. These are available at various FAS websites, as outlined below. These websites are a source of valuable, free information to those involved with U.S. food products, whether they are food companies, government organizations, or consumers. Please feel free to browse these websites and give us your valuable comments so FAS can include information resources to you.
World Markets and Trade Reports